Toll-free (866) 222-8029
Please note: After selecting your language, dial "83" when requested for State or Territory name.
What is McVCIS?
McVCIS is a Multi-Court Voice Case Information system which allows the public to dial in to a court's database and access the latest information, including: case number, name of debtor(s) or parties, case filed (in)voluntarily, case filing chapter and date, filed as business/consumer, conversion chapter and date, if the case has assets, the attorney for the debtor, the trustee, the judge's name, the status of the case, claim deadline, discharge and closing dates, reopened and/or re-closing dates, disposition method, attorney's phone number and city, 341 meeting date, time and place.
You may call for information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, you are allowed five searches per call. Using your telephone keypad, enter a case number, party name, and social security number or employer tax ID. The computer reads case information directly from the court's database; this is all done electronically using a voice synthesizer which speaks with a "computer" accent. Information is available for cases filed on or after July 1, 1991. Information on new cases is available within 24 hours of filing
How much does it cost?
There is no charge for using this service.
How do I perform a search?
When you call the McVCIS number and after you've selected the court name, you'll be asked to pick one of the following options:
- for detailed instructions on how to use the system
- to search by case number
- to search by case name
- to search by Social Security Number/Tax ID
Using the keys on the phone, enter the appropriate option and follow the additional prompts. The computer will read the most recent information available about the case. If there is more than one name found, McVCIS will read each case.
To report technical problems, please call 801.524.6687