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  • For help with electronic filing

    Call the CM-ECF Help Desk phone:
    During business hours: 801-450-3443

    Or email the Training Department.

  • To listen to case information over the telephone

    Obtain case information over the telephone using McVCIS (Multi Court Voice Case Information System) by calling Toll-Free 1-866-222-8029 (U.S. only).

    Please note: Please say "Utah" or enter "#85#" when requested for court name.

  • For case specific or general bankruptcy information, or procedures

    For general information, or case inquiries, call the Clerk's Office
    Phone: 801.524.6687
    Monday-Friday 8:00a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Or try chatting with us online!

    or send an email to

  • For assistance with your PACER account

    You can visit the PACER website or contact the PACER Billing Center at (800) 676-6856 or (210) 301-6440 for more assistance.

    The PACER Service Center hours of operation are 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. CT Monday - Friday.

    The Utah Bankruptcy Court cannot assist with questions related to your PACER account.

  • To schedule a hearing

    Please call the Scheduling Clerk at 801-524-6627 or request to schedule a hearing online.

  • Questions regarding personnel / human resources